Monday, November 21, 2005

Peggy Contest Deadline Announced

Nov 27, midnight, Pacific Time, will be the deadline for voting on the outcome of Peggy Finds A Friend.

You can, if you wish, provide a few paragraphs explaining your choice and you might win a $100 BookSense gift card.

Please go to the Peggy Contest Page to find out more and to cast your vote!


At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great look into loss and recovery. Just what I needed for this particular Christmas day. The loss of my Mother hit me pretty hard last night at the 8PM Christmas Vigil. It was a most reverent and solemny festive occasion. The church was decorated beautifully in gold, and green and red; small archways, angels and ribbons and wreaths. The place was adorned with visitors and infrequent attendees all dressed in their their holiday finery. All of the regularly attending parishoners were at their very best behavior, trying give the parish community a favorable impression. The choir, accompanied by a single piano was leading us in holy Christmas carols old and new. One song that always reminds me of Mom is "Silent Night". I can still picture her cooking while I am sitting at the kitchen table quietly singing that most soothing song. The homily was about giving 3 - gifts, one of which is the gift of imitation, the priest instructing us that the greatest gift that you can give a person is to try to be like that person. Following the homily Father Bob proceeds to the alter and celebrates the eucharist. Directly behind the eucharist being held upward to the heavens by the celebrant is a stained glass window, bathed in white light, with the infant Jesus radiating in gold and white, Mary in her light blue and Joseph in his purple. "And now let us join the choirs of angels in singing "Holy Holy Holy" at that moment I try to imagine scores of angels singing and there is dear Mom.... The first year of loss is a first of many sorts. For me it is the first time my Mother did not wish me a happy birthday (thank God for sisters, thanks Roseanne). Mother not wishing me a Merry Christmas and all of the other wishes a Mother bestows upon her children. The shadow of those blessings that I have really taken for granted now loom large as life. Like a setting sun that will not ever rise again. However thanks to your touching story there is a path one may take in order to face the morning sun and that path is to do exactly that. Turn away from the setting sun and face the rising sun and a new day. Thanks for the great story. Jim PS. Family is key.


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